Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Birds of the cloud forest

I was reading my textbook today and came across the section on cloud forests and it specifically mentioned the Monteverde in Costa Rica (pictured below) and some of the species within it. The book only mentions plant species found, however, I thought since my focus for this trip was birds and we will be visiting this very cloud forest I would write about a few species of birds I might come across in the cloud forest. 

The resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) pictured below is one species.

You can tell by the long tail feathers that the above picture is a male. Their diet consists of fruits, insects, lizards and other small creatures. Also known as the Guatemalan quetzal it is the symbol of Guatemala and their trade currency is named after it.  On doing some research about this bird one of the more interesting things I learned is that the quetzal is considered to be a symbol of freedom because if confined to a cage it will die. 

Four species of Mountain Toucan are also found. 

They are mostly frugivores, fruit eating, (a word I learned today from my textbook) but are also oportunistic omnivores. They will eat small insects and will also raid the nests of smaller birds and eat the eggs and even nestlings. Because they are the most abundant frugivore the toucans are extremely important for seed dispersal.

Many species of hummingbirds also inhabit the cloud forest. Below is the Magenta-throated Woodstar (Calliphlox bryantae).

The male Woodstar weighs approximately 3.5 grams and is about 9 cm long! Only the males have the magenta throats and females have a gray color on the throat. Like all hummingbirds they feed of the nectar of flowers.

I am excited to get see the cloud forest and possibly all the different types of birds in it. Hopefully I can spot and correctly identify at least these three species!

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